ConférenciersCONFERENCIERS Pr. Amane JADA Is a Scientific Researcher at Institut de Sciences des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M-UMR 7361 CNRS - UHA), located in Mulhouse, France. Mr A. Jada has an expertise in the colloidal science. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1988 from the University of Louis Pasteur located in Strasbourg-France. He did his Ph. D thesis at the Institut Charles Sadron (Strasbourg-France), on structures and dynamics of water in oil microemulsions. He then joined the Research Center on the Physico Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (CRPCSS), located in Mulhouse-France in 1989. In 1995, the CRPCSS becomes the Institute of Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces (ICSI). Mr Amane JADA has obtained the Accreditation Diploma, in structure and dynamics of liquid-liquid and solid-liquid colloidal dispersions, to supervise research and PhD students, of the Haute Alsace University (ICSI, Mulhouse- France, June 1996). In January 1, 2009, three laboratories in Mulhouse (Institute of Science of Materials of Mulhouse, ICSI, Laboratory of Materials with Controlled Porosity, LMPC, and Laboratory of Physics and Electronic Spectroscopy, LPSE) were gathered to yield Institut de Sciences Des Matériaux De Mulhouse (IS2M). Mr A. JADA develops research which include various topics such as colloidal dispersions and stabilities, crystallogenesis of inorganic particles in the presence of polymeric additives, surface charge and electrophoretic behaviours of inorganic oxides in organic media, adsorption of molecular and copolymers surfactants at solid-liquid interface, surface charges in aqueous medium of asphaltenes, bitumen, bitumen emulsions, humic substances, carbon black, clay particles, etc. Moreover, the activities of Mr A. JADA are devoted also to supervise Ph.D. and M.S students, and to teach course on colloids ‘behaviours of and methods to study Colloidal Systems’ at the University of Haute Alsace (Masters Degree). His research work has been attributed about 200 publications and lectures in the world. Moreover, Mr A. JADA is Associated Editor of Journal of Colloid Science and Biotechnology since 2012; member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Open Colloid Science Journal since 2008; he served and he is still serving as a Reviewer in many international journals. Pr. Sébastien Saitzek Sébastien Saitzek was educated at faculty Jean Perrin (Artois University), then at Lille University. After a thesis at the Materials and Microelectronics Laboratory of Provence (UMR CNRS 6137), he joined the Catalysis and Solid-state Chemistry Unit (UCCS UMR CNRS 8181 - University of Artois) as a lecturer in 2006, then was promoted as full Professor in 2018. He takes responsibility of the “Thin Films and NanoMaterials” team in 2020. His research interests have focused on the development of oxides (layered-perovskite families) using soft chemistry and pulsed laser deposition techniques for the fields of optics, electronics and energy. These activities currently focus on the study of photoactive materials such as photoelectrodes and/or photocatalysts for water-splitting. Pr. Frédéric Guinneton Frédéric Guinneton conducted his studies in universities of Toulon and then in Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 before preparing his thesis between Toulon and Paris on thermochromic and adaptative materials. He joined the Materials & Microelectronics Laboratory of Provence (university of Toulon) in 2006 as an assistant professor before being recently promoted in 2023 as full professor. He was vice president for research at the Toulon university for 4 years (2019 to 2023) before to be now responsible of the “Nanostructures, Environment Energy – NS2E” research team in the “ in the Materials Microelectronics and Nanosciences Institute of Provence – IM2NP UMR CNRS”. His research focuses on photosensitive oxide materials for applications such as radiation photodetection or pollutant photodegradation. Photocatalysis and photoelectrodegradation works has been carried out on tunsgates, molybdates and phosphates. More recently creation and study of heterojunctions have been investigated in order to increase the performance of materials. Pr. Dr. Nilgün Ünal Prof. Dr. Nilgün Ünal obtained her BSc (1999) degrees in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Ankara University, Turkey. She studied in the Microbiology Laboratory of Hacettepe University İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital in Turkey as guest researcher during her PhD (12 months). She received PhD (2007) degree in veterinary microbiology Kırıkkale University. She is currently working as Prof. Dr. in University of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. Her research areas include antimicrobial resistance and mechanisms in bacteria, antibacterial essential oils and nanoparticles, bacterial diseases and genetic typing methods in bacteria, mastitis in cows and sheep, and single healthShe has published over 22 papers, 3 book chapters. He has published 28 published articles and 3 book chapters. She has completed 11 research projects in microbiology field and served as master's and doctoral thesis advisors.
Pr. Dr. Nurgul K. Bakirhan Dr. Nurgul K. Bakirhan obtained her BSc (2007) and MSc (2010) degrees in chemistry from the Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, Turkey. She studied in Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Kauffmann’s Laboratory at ULB in Belgium as visiting researcher during her PhD (6 months). She received PhD (2017) degree in the Faculty of Pharmacy at Ankara University. She is currently working as Assoc. Prof. Dr. in University of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. Her research interests include electrochemical investigations on active pharmaceutical compounds, validation, nanosensors, corrosion, conductive polymers, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and characterization and applications for electrochemical sensor development. She has published over 88 papers, 1 book editor, 22 book chapters and 12 projects. Pr. Ahmed TARA Monsieur Ahmed TARA est titulaire d'un DEA de l'École Polytechnique de Nantes (2001) et d'un doctorat à l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA, 2005) en Génie des procédés. Il est également titulaire d'une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches obtenue en 2023 à la même université. Il occupe le poste de maître de conférences HDR à l'IUT de Reims Chalons-Charleville et se spécialise depuis 20 ans dans la l'élaboration et la caractérisation des bio et nanomatériaux appliqués à l'environnement au sein du laboratoire Matériaux et Ingénierie Mécanique. Il dirige la formation professionnelle du Packaging à l'IUT depuis plus de 10 ans. Ses contributions comprennent 37 publications, un brevet, un chapitre d'ouvrage et l'encadrement de plusieurs thèses doctorales. Par ailleurs, il est impliqué dans plusieurs projets de recherche nationaux et internationaux. Monsieur TARA est également Ambassadeur du Développement Durable et de la Responsabilité Sociétale de son Université. Il est élu dans plusieurs instances, notamment à la commission des moyens de l'URCA.
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