Context and objectives


Our planet is facing several ecological challenges during the beginning of the third millennium. On one hand, the fast growth of the world population follows an increase of consumption of resources as well as the deterioration of our environment. On the other hand, the choice of a material is generally founded extra-environmental criterian (performance, cost, availability, functionality, aesthetic...); although it takes rarely in consideration the impacts on the environment and human health.

The use of eco-friendly materials is inescapable option to solve this problem. For this, the city of Agadir will organize on march 6 and 7, 2024, the International Congress: Applied Materials for the Environment CIMAE-2024. This congress is organized by the Laboratory of Materials and Environment (LME) in collaboration with Ibn Zohr University (UIZ) and, the Faculty of Sciences of Agadir (FSA) and, Ibn Zohr Association for Environment and Material Sciences (AIZESMa).

This scientific manifestation is an opportunity to meet national and international specialists of domains related to materials and the environment. This congress enables to exhibit powerful thematics, from the conception and the functionalization of natural or synthetic materials and their physicochemical characterization until innovative applications in the fields of environment protection.

CIMAE-2024 is also favored occasion to experience and to exchange knowledge, expertise between participants of different horizons. It is a scientific event for collaboration, creation and, enforcement of multidisciplinary networks to develop a high-level research.

The goal of this conference is to highlight the actual primary preoccupation related to the environment protection. the sectors of applications materials essential to environmental protection are concerned with habitats, clean energy, transport network, sustainable development, and health. For instance, thematic concerned with materials specifies are not omitted. For that, new elaboration process, materials for pollution detection and treatment, surfaces and interfaces, treatment and valorization of solid waste .

In this context, this congress agenda will include plenary conferences, oral communications, posters, as well as stands presentations.

Let us all stand together to save our earth by making the CIMAE-2024  an extensive scientific manifestation for materials and environment.


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